
Stephanie Borg Psaila

Dr Stephanie Borg Psaila is the Director for Digital Policy at DiploFoundation, and the Editor of the GIP Digital Watch observatory. In [...]

2023-04-20T08:34:48+00:00October 20th, 2022|

Sorina Teleanu

Ms Sorina Teleanu is an independent consultant with expertise in Internet governance and digital policy. Sorina previously worked with DiploFoundation [...]

2022-10-31T17:03:06+00:00October 20th, 2022|

Vladimir Radunović

Serbian-born Mr Vladimir (Vlada) Radunović is a lecturer in cybersecurity policy, Internet governance, and e-diplomacy on postgraduate and professional courses. [...]

2023-06-04T10:31:32+00:00October 20th, 2022|

Christopher Lamb

Christopher Lamb is a former Australian Ambassador and is now Special Adviser to the Australian Red Cross and the IFRC. [...]

2023-01-20T09:28:40+00:00October 20th, 2022|

Jovan Kurbalija

Dr Jovan Kurbalija is the Executive Director of DiploFoundation and Head of the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP). He was a member [...]

2023-06-04T10:16:33+00:00October 20th, 2022|